On the first day of the conference, Frank Tuyttens (EV ILVO, scientific coordinator aWISH) gave an insightful presentation called “Automated monitoring of pig and chicken welfare at the slaughterhouse – tracing back to farm, transport and slaughter”, for an audience of about 100 people. During this presentation, the aWISH objectives were explained, as well as the 6 pilots that are the center of the project – a slaughterhouse with a local research partner, associated farms and technology providers – where technologies are developed and validated. The audience had the opportunity to learn more about these technologies and their implementation, as well as their contribution to the objective assessment and improvement of pig and broiler welfare throughout Europe.
We can happily conclude that both the EAAP and WAFL conferences were extremely stimulating and an excellent stage to introduce the aWISH project. Additionally, it was the perfect opportunity to learn about the very compelling work and discoveries that are being achieved regarding animal welfare.